Your Satisfaction is our number One Priority...
Returns & Exchanges:
Standard Returns & Exchanges:
- Items must be returned within 14 days of purchase.
- Items must be unused, unworn, unwashed, and in their original condition with all tags attached.
- We cannot accept returns for items that have been altered or damaged.
- For wrong or damaged items, please contact our customer service within 48 hours of receipt.
Sale and Clearance Items:
- Due to the nature of sale and clearance items, we cannot accept returns or exchanges for these items, unless they are faulty or damaged. However, we will carefully inspect all sale and clearance orders before shipping to minimize the risk of defects. If you receive a faulty or damaged item from a sale or clearance order, please contact our customer service within 48 hours for an exchange.
Please note:
- Shipping costs for returns are the customer's responsibility, unless the return is due to a product defect or error on our part.
- Refunds will be processed to the original payment method.
- We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not meet our return policy.
- [ Outlet ] Products Can not be exchange or return .
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.